Friday, June 14th

Keynote & Conference Day

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Registration Opens | Breakfast

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM
Opening Remarks:
Michelle Stinson Ross

8:40 AM - 9:40 AM
Keynote: Wil Reynolds

Wil Reynolds

8:40 AM - 9:40 AM
Keynote: Wil Reynolds

How to maintain your job relevance in an AI worldTitle

Wil Reynolds is the Founder and CEO of Seer Interactive, one of the most highly regarded digital marketing agencies in the United States.
A former teacher with a knack for advising, Wil is passionate about helping people and businesses grow. He’s been helping Fortune 500 companies develop SEO and digital marketing strategies since 1999.
Wil is a sought-after keynote speaker, averaging 10 to 20 keynotes every year. His profound knowledge and practical approach towards SEO, PPC, and digital strategy have made him a revered speaker and consultant in the industry.
Wil started Seer Interactive in 2002 after his boss wouldn’t let him volunteer on his lunch break. A philanthropist at heart, he had the first few Seer team members sign contracts committing to giving back to the community.
In 2024, we follow that throughline to a recommitment to community giveback by providing $15MM in community impact by 2032.

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
Break & Sponsor Networking

10:00 AM - 10:40 AM
Session 1 Breakouts

Christi Olson

10:00 AM – 10:40 AM
Unlocking the Power Of Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Christi Olson


Discover the power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and how it fits along side search in your digital marketing strategy while we explore the transformative potential of a fully integrated marketing strategies. Learn how to identify high-value accounts and develop ABM segmentation strategies, the evolution and approach from creating content for one to many to hyper-personalized content, orchestrate multi-channel engagement, measure success, and gain insights from my real-world case study. Shift your focus from traditional lead generation to identifying and acquiring leads within buying committees while engaging influential figures. Discover the strategies and tactics that will reshape your approach to B2B marketing. Revolutionize your marketing strategy and drive revenue growth through ABM. Don't miss it!

Erica McGillivray

10:00 AM – 10:40 AM
Don’t Lose Your Head or Your Brand over AI
Erica McGillivray


Trust is earned. But new technology is exciting and shiny, especially if it promises to make your output faster, better, easier, or more sophisticated. Unfortunately, poor AI usage can endanger or ruin your brand. As customers learn to spot AI tells or just get a "this is wrong" feeling, they can stop believing your brand offers them anything real.

Erica will cover:

  • What tools to use to detect AI usage and how to use them effectively; this includes training your biggest resource: your brain.
  • The strength of originality and word of mouth when customer skepticism is at an all-time high.
    Brands that burned through their trust and reputation: from book publisher Tor and Marvel Studios to the UK Royal family and Sports Illustrated.
  • How to respond if your AI usage puts you in the doghouse with customers.
Abby Gleason

10:00 AM – 10:40 AM
CRO for SEOs: Optimizing for Conversions in an Era of Declining Traffic
Abby Gleason


With ads, SERP features and AI fighting for our traffic, SEOs need to pivot to include CRO as part of their strategy.
SEOs work on surfaces that impact revenue, like product pages, categories or educational resources. Having a baseline understanding of your conversion funnel, from CTA click to checkout, is essential to driving more revenue. And that's what your stakeholders report on, not just traffic.

My talk will focus on simple tests SEOs can run to improve conversion rates on their key pages, from blog posts to products. I'll walk through what makes a successful conversion funnel (and where I spot the most friction), "low-hanging fruit" CRO tests, and tools to help you along the way.

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Break & Sponsor Networking

11:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Session 2

Chima Mmeje

11:00 AM – 11:40 AM
How to create thought leadership content that beats AI every time
Chima Mmeje


Poor-quality AI content was never going to take you to the promised land. It was always a temporary fix. On the other hand, thought leadership content will survive a thousand algorithm updates while remaining evergreen. It is the only way to maintain consistency in search rankings and build trust with your audience. However, ignoring AI is not the answer. You can use AI to complement thought leadership and create content that helps you rank in the user's mind for a specific problem.

In this presentation, you'll learn:

  • Why replacing human expertise with AI is not the answer
  • How to create a thought leadership strategy (What, when and how)
  • Using AI as your sidekick to power thought leadership content
  • Creating multi-modal content with thought leadership in mind
  • The top distribution channels to stay top of mind for the user
Michelle Robbins

11:00 AM – 11:40 AM
The New Sp[AI]ce Race
Michelle Robbins


With the release a year and a half ago of Chat-GPT, big tech was off to the races to train and release not just the most performative LLMs (Large Language Models) to produce generative text, but also multi-modal models that are capable of taking visual and auditory input and creating the same as outputs. OpenAI's (currently unreleased) Sora model can create entire videos from text prompts only - mimicking frame-by-frame filmmaking. What do these incredible advancements mean for business, marketers, and your consumers?

In this session Michelle will discuss:

  • What AI is, and what it is not
    The current field of SotA (state of the art) models
  • Near term and long term implications of AI
  • Ethical considerations of model development, model deployment, and usage
  • How to evaluate AI utility for your use case
Brooke Osmundson

11:00 AM – 11:40 AM
How to Infuse AI In Your PPC Management Strategy
Brooke Osmundson


AI is rapidly reshaping the world of PPC advertising, offering marketers unprecedented opportunities to optimize campaigns, increase ROI, and reach their target audience more effectively than ever before. In this session, Brooke will delve into the ways AI is revolutionizing every aspect of PPC campaigns, including:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of AI and machine learning in PPC
  • Harnessing AI for audience segmentation and targeting precision
  • Practical tips and tools to implement AI in your PPC strategies effectively

11:40 AM - 12:50 PM

12:50 PM - 1:00 PM
Mid-Day Messages

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Keynote: Aleyda Solis

Aleyda Solis

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Keynote: Aleyda Solis
The Impact of AI in SEO: How is it Going and What to Expect Next

How is AI impacting SEO and what should we expect to happen in the future? In this session, Aleyda will go through the impact of AI in SEO-related tasks automation, as well as the latest status of Google's SGE, and ways to identify opportunities and risks.

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Break & Sponsor Networking

2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Session 3

Jyll Saskin Gales

2:20 PM – 3:00 PM
Creating great ad assets in an AI-first world
Jyll Saskin Gales


With AI "assisting" with more and more PPC management tasks, the campaign building block that needs more human input than ever is creative. Sure, machine learning can bid nicely and target pretty well, but AI-generated text, image and video assets just aren't "there" yet. Why is this important? When everyone gets access to the same bidding and targeting algorithms, crafting outstanding assets is one of the few ways you can get an edge in 2024.

In this talk, I'll share 15 specific actions PPC managers can take to improve their creative asset effectiveness, all with real-world examples from across industries. You'll leave with a list of tests and experiments you can run today to improve your Google Ads performance.

Cari O'Brien

2:20 PM – 3:00 PM
Generative AI Governance: Policies & Processes for Marketing Teams
Cari O'Brien


When ChatGPT surfaced for public use, the initial question was whether marketing teams should use it. Adoption was slow in the first few months. But adoption quickly grew, as did the release of many more generative AI tools, from content creation to image and video generation. Now, the question is no longer, “WILL we use generative AI in our content processes?” Instead, marketing teams should be asking “HOW will we use generative AI?”

An AI governance policy answers questions such as

  • WHAT tools will we use?
  • WHERE do they best fit in our processes?
  • HOW far will we go when using them?
  • WHO will use them and WHO will double-check the work?
  • WHAT policies and processes do we need in place to manage all this?

In this session, Cari will help clarify why AI governance is required and the risks you face without having a policy in place. She’ll then walk you through the steps to create a generative AI policy and offer recommendations for guardrails to put in place to ensure application and adherence to your policy.
Attendees will gain a solid understanding of why AI governance is important and what to do about it. They’ll also walk away with a checklist they can use to implement a policy with their teams.

Lea Scudamore

2:20 PM – 3:00 PM
Unlocking SEO and Revenue with Accessibility
Lea Scudamore


Discover the significance of WCAG and its impact on SEO. Learn the 5 crucial steps to WCAG compliance and enhancing user experiences, from crafting a digital accessibility statement to optimizing audio, video, forms, and design elements. Plus, gain valuable tool recommendations for seamless implementation.

Understand why accessibility is paramount, not just for compliance but also for user experience and SEO. Explore why brands must prioritize inclusivity in serving the 1 in 5 Americans who experience some form of disability. The importance of digital accessibility is undeniable. Don't miss this opportunity to serve all users effectively.

Join me as we dive into the Digital Accessibility Content Guidelines and equip your brand for success.

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM
Break & Sponsor Networking

3:20 PM - 4:00 PM
Session 4

Dana DiTomaso

3:20 PM – 4:00 PM
Improved Content Analysis with GA4 Explorations & AI
Dana DiTomaso


GA4 Explorations are a treasure trove of data — once you know how to use them to their full potential. In this talk, Dana will start off with the fundamentals of Explorations, including your new favourite feature: Segments. You’ll learn how to build Explorations that dissect content performance, and then we’ll take those Explorations to AI for more advanced analysis, including visualizations.

Brittany Billings

3:20 PM – 4:00 PM
10 Things I've Learned in 10 Years of Digital Paid Media
Brittany Billings


Brittany Billings is a seasoned expert in Paid Media with over a decade of experience. From local e-commerce beginnings to driving growth and expanding the paid media team at Voro, she's honed her craft working across diverse clients. Brittany isn't just a leader; she's a mentor, guiding teams through the complexities of digital marketing. Join her at the crossroads of experience and innovation, where practical insights pave the way for success in digital paid media

Kavi Kardos

3:20 PM – 4:00 PM
Why Your Customer Team is Your Greatest SEO Ally
Kavi Kardos


SEO is about serving users’ needs. But sometimes, uncovering those needs feels like looking through a foggy window—we might have a hunch about what users want, but we don’t have the data to back it up. Customer experience and success teams have unparalleled access to the information we want: users’ self-described preferences, pain points, and product delights. I’ll explain how to create a symbiotic relationship with your in-house or client’s customer team and how to share knowledge effectively so we can all make each other’s lives a little easier.

You’ll learn:

  • Onboarding that turns customer teams into SEO partners and evangelist
  • Content production that augments your existing strategy and proactively answers customer questions
  • Outside-the-box thinking that gets customer teams involved in more of your SEO strategy

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM
Break & Sponsor Networking

4:20 PM - 5:20 PM
Keynote: Ginny Marvin

Ginny Marvin

4:20 PM – 5:20 PM
Keynote: Ginny Marvin
What’s Fresh (and Fundamental) in Google Ads That You Need To Know

"At least that's how it seems if you're listening to eMarketer, Digiday or Adweek these days. Thanks to Amazon, Walmart, Instacart (and many more!) reaching $30billion in ad revenues in just 5 years, a feat that took Search (Google, Microsoft) 14 years to reach and Social (Facebook) 11 years. The addition of the CPG category at scale in digital, sure helped, so a lot of attention is being paid and a lot of dollars are being invested. But what does that mean to you, as a paid search person marketer today, engulfed in the worlds of Google and Microsoft? Where is the money coming from and how is it being attributed? What's next?

In this session, you'll get:

  • An overview of what retail media is and what channels are involved
  • How Google and Microsoft are entering or have entered the space
  • What's next and what you can do to stay up to speed or get involved

5:20 PM - 5:30 PM
Closing Remarks

We hope EVERYONE will join us in celebrating the close of another phenomenal MnSearch Summit!